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Vol. II
4: Immanence
3: Traces
2: Thirst & Brine

1: Thresholds
Vol. I
4: Conflict
3: Melody
2: Medicine
1: Balance
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Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 2004 :: THRESHOLDS
Where is the edge of what is known, of what can be asserted plainly, of what we believe ourselves to be? In this edition, we examine the problem of crossing from one side of a reality to another, overcoming, outgrowing, forgetting, gaining texture...


Blanco encalada y molina
José Ignacio Silva Anguita

En el gran espacio vacío, verde
pareciera respirar -eso quiere- la ciudad

El sosiego cae con la tarde que olvida
al mediodía, puertas lejanas corren y cuentan

el azar de cartulina en los oídos.
Veinte minutos -frío en el invierno-
[Siga leyendo...]

José Manuel Vargas Breval

Mi padre me enseñó la apología del horizonte,
cuando volvíamos en breves cuestas a casa
desde la brevedad del mar.
Tuve el dolor de callar tantas cosas,
los ratos de inercia en los que mi piel
avanzaba a ramalazos entre la sal y el beso,
abandonarme los domingos
en doce o trece novelas que ingeniaba para el sol,
quedarme dormido detrás de mi madre
con la nana del sudor y la arena cayendo sobre mí.
Fui feliz y triste...
[Siga leyendo...]


Margaret McGavin de García

Para ser alguien muerta, mantenía su viva presencia en todos lados. Su imagen brincaba y retozaba ante los ojos cansados de María todo el día entero, y el eco de su voz retumbaba, rebotando de las paredes de la casa tan vacía.

"Estás muerta. Eres un asunto cerrado, una puerta que no volveré a abrir, y has salido de mi corazón para siempre. No te volveré a ver." Habiendo dicho eso, María regresó a sus quehaceres. [Siga leyendo...]


In the Name of the Father
Salvatore Poeta

I confess that at times I have sensed your presence
from behind the iris of eternity,
as you contemplate gleefully, implacably, like a muted Pan
the sacred union between shadow and light,
and not in starched hands that lift
a eucharist into the air... [Keep reading]

Iron & Glass
Chad Johr

The window to the soul?
Nothing more than glass.
Complete with chipped paint frame and dusty sill
It looks like any other
you have breathed on before.

And the gate to the soul?
Wrought iron posts
Fashioned with twists and a dull sharp point
at the top of each. [Keep reading]

Mediterranean Sunset
Karla Ingleton Darocas

Down into the valley,
Out to the steely-blue sea.

Dogs are barking at the dusk,
A subtle salty smell whips the air. [Keep reading]


Les Pieds nus
Joseph Robertson

les pieds nus qui trébuchent
le long d'un sentier étroit
naviguant par la boue
et le débris d'années profondément colorées
parlent une lueur involontaire solennelle

comme la vie commence à... [Texte complet]


Ecology Update » Lester Brown, Earth Policy Institute:
World Food Security Deteriorating
Food Crunch in 2005 Now Likely

The grain shortfall of 105 million tons in 2003 is easily the largest on record, amounting to 5 percent of annual world consumption of 1,930 million tons. The four harvest shortfalls have dropped world carryover stocks of grain to the lowest level in 30 years, amounting to only 59 days of consumption. Wheat and corn prices are at 7-year highs. Rice prices are at 5-year highs... If there is another large shortfall, grain prices will continue the rise of recent months, driving up food prices worldwide. [Full Story]

On Elections & Security » Joseph Robertson, SentidoNews:
Hysterical Blindness
Why it is cowardly to suggest that voters lose their right to choose when terrorists attack...

Since the bombings that struck at the heart of Madrid last Thursday, there has been a lot of talk about whether terrorism could sway an election. Since the PSOE has defeated the ruling PP, conservative observers have wasted no time in calling it a victory for terrorists. This position is laced with malicious intent for the sole reason that it specifically suggests that in the wake of any terrorist incident, the will of the electorate should be conditioned by terrorism. Democracy cannot be secured by predetermining which election result an electorate must take. [Full Story]

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