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15 June 2004

Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski has told the press that she is being made a "convenient scapegoat" by compromised authorities. She alleged specifically that she was told, while in command at Abu Ghraib, that all prisoners should be treated like dogs. She says that Maj Gen Geoffrey Miller, now in charge of Iraqi prisons, then in charge of the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, told her that any hint that detainees were anything more than dogs would lead to breakdown of her authority.

She paraphrased him saying: "He said they are like dogs and if you allow them to believe at any point that they are more than a dog then you've lost control of them." She went on to say that investigators need to ascertain what Gen. Sánchez, then top Iraq commander, knew and when. Gen. Karpinski also suggested that the soldiers appearing in the now infamous photographs had not been at Abu Ghraib long enough to feel the confidence necessary to carry out such a rogue operation in the course of their duty. [For more: BBC]

10 January 2004

Even after granting Saddam Hussein POW status, the Occupying authorities say Iraqis will try their ousted dictator. The Geneva Conventions, however, specifically indicate that in the interests of justice, POW's can only be tried by an international tribunal or by occupying forces responsible for overseeing a transition to legitimate government. [For more: Salon]

8 January 2004

Some 400 weapons experts and search specialists are to be leaving Iraq, though an inspection force does remain, including specialists in the disposal of chemical and biological agents. A Washington Post report noted that there was intelligence to indicate that Iraq may have destroyed its stockpiles as early as 1991. The New York Times also reported that a pattern of deceit within the weapons programs themselves may be responsible for inflated expectations on the part of outside observers... [For more: FT]

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