POETRY MAKES LIFE: The human world finds its structure and its strength in language as facilitator of human expression. Every careful balance between chaos and order in the human world is mediated through language. Everything we know and are able to accomplish originates in the exchange made available by language. To this end, Casavaria seeks to encourage and promote experimentation in poetry, as one of the cornerstones of civil activity.

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Salvatore Poeta

It was not in the middle of life but at the end, or in
the beginning.
She entered barefoot dragging across from station to station of muffled voices clamoring to divulge a long guarded secret…
as she headed toward the horizon...

Salvatore Poeta

It is quite alright with me
that I will never again depart through the front door of this House.
All I ask is that I may visit every now and again
to touch and watch its flowers grow;
for my Truth has always been and will be as the rising and setting Sun!

Ryan Munson

Ode to the many sweet dreams
That saunter on November chills
The children are gifts like smiles
The wash between sun and downy leaf
So falling bliss hits are the eyes...

Ryan Munson

Gravity leak on the nine sang the dronebot Tinker
Foreseer like the tentacles slurp on the unknown seed
And next the ghetto birds wail get out get out
But alas the chains spit when driving at the sun
Nova Child and Tealeaf make eyes like dragon wing
Yet the elders laugh when the Rainbows jettison
Again and again and again...

Ryan Munson

Oh hazel night your street lamps dot the way
Until they vanish from my sight
And speak to the independence of a dawning day
The tickle drops they pass between two worlds
Between infinite tomorrow and yawns from yesterday...

12 June 2007

wanton sense of coming to be
beyond the reach of any particular condition
tradition or absence of appetite
fulfilling a long-term mission
to break down barriers & to be
found in the knowing
to be something more than the known self... [Full Text]

Salvatore Poeta
» In the Name of the Father

Chad Johr
» Iron & Glass
» Stone's Throw | Ramifications

Kevin Clous
» Before the Fall | Newton's 2nd
AUTHOR KNOWN. | AUTUMN | And Then Suddenly | Schizophrenic

Lainey Johr
» Your Fragile Sail | Flying Decorated Balloons
Clinkering | Seismic Patterned | Ire's Ore
A Night in December

Ryan Munson
Omnipotent Moon


Joseph Robertson
» The Silt-Quarry | In Smoke Unfixed & Glinting |
Assumptions Snowball
» The Copper Ptarmigan | Holy Vessels & an Invitation |
Honeyed Things

José Sevillano
» Hear Me | Immigrant Fields
The Almighty | A Mirror | At Night | Recognition | Silhouette

Prasenjit Maiti
» It So Happened That... | Sadness | This Year is Like

Karla Ingleton Darocas
» Valencian Poems: Mediterranean Sunset | I Bought Two Hammocks Today | Valencia Fallas

Joseph Robertson

It was a memory of memories persisting
a representation of devoted labor
the idiomatic spiritual partner of a tribe
history's eye placed equally forward & aft…

it was guilt-laden full of meaning
time out of time & the whisper of so many
nevers tears recombinations & quietudes
the velvet-hewn patina of knowing…

it was the narrow charge of being beyond being... [Keep reading...]

Chad Johr

The window to the soul?
Nothing more than glass.
Complete with chipped paint frame and dusty sill
It looks like any other
you have breathed on before.

And the gate to the soul?
Wrought iron posts
Fashioned with twists and a dull sharp point...
[Keep reading...]

Salvatore Poeta

I confess that at times I have sensed your presence
from behind the iris of eternity,
as you contemplate gleefully, implacably, like a muted Pan
the sacred union between shadow and light,
and not in starched hands that lift
a eucharist into the air;
rather in the faint wisp of winged DNA,
hanging in the air,
as a bird in silent flight,
before settling delicately on a stream ablaze in auroral light;
and not in the words of prophets sent by you,
false or otherwise...
[Keep reading...]

Lainey Johr

i want to ease my own fears that i have for you
and your daring venture into a world
you are not claiming scattered pieces of
but are coloring and leaving your prints
touching the boundaries and using your
fingers like a funnel of stories and making connections with those
whose textures have already left you a crag to cross over
with a feathered touch of intention and wonder and hope...
[Keep reading...]

Joseph Robertson

Softening sonorous rumor
of wings of the patience
of large scavenger birds
in lemon-grey twilight
the vision of their converging
on one point in space
& musically dispersing
this strange familiar civic intrigue
a dance communicating
precisely where history will occur
this takes place within one
syncopated breath
erasing all else & teaching...


As many as half of all known languages may die out during the next century. That figure is already staggering, but paired with the estimate of 6,800 believed to be spoken today, it represents a looming cultural catastrophe. In a world where languages with less than 10 million speakers are considered to be "minor" or "obscure" languages by many people, the world's native and regional languages are threatened. [Keep Reading]

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Online Casavaria Selections
Cave Painting: aesthetics, our world & the making of meaning
Still Lifes & Embers at Finisterre: a novel in perpetual motion
Un abanico de agua, Cristina Sánchez-Conejero
The Silt-Quarry, Joseph Robertson
Ecological Humanism
Stone's Throw
A Mirror
Seismic Patterned
And Then Suddenly

Casavaria celebra el cuarto centenario de la novela El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, con una edición de la primera parte (primavera 2005) y otra de la segunda parte (primavera 2006)...

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"[T]o the few, to the elect, the mysteries of life were revealed before the veil was drawn away. Sometimes this was the effect of art, and chiefly of the art of literature..." » Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Sentido.tv is Casavaria's global news source, featuring political and cultural news and media-analysis.

New Titles, Winter '05-'06
In partnership with Linkgua S.L., Casavaria's new imprint Linkgua US will print a series of classical Spanish works, beginning February 2006.

Through the Sentido news website, Casavaria provides travel-related information, literature (classic, original), reviews and listings...

In Association with Amazon.com
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New Titles, Spring 2005
Don Quijote de la Mancha: la novela intemporal de Miguel de Cervantes, 4 siglos después de su 1a publicación
Don Quijote de la Mancha, la Tercera parte: escritor valenciano Alberto Báez ficcionaliza nuevos documentos sobre las aventuras de Don Quijote
Poner rejas al viento: Antonio Alizo relata en su novela una vida aventurera y contrariada de comienzos del siglo XX